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Tuesday, June 25, 2019


CHRISTIE DOBBS!!! If I were in Thatcher, I’d come and give you a big huge hug right now and we’d vent together about how much people and boys suck!! haha. I miss you so much. I am  sorry that you’re going through hard times. I hope you know how much of a light you were to me during my EAC days and you still are. I was often lonely during that time, but you were always there to cheer me up and keep me company when I needed it. Even though I’ve moved away, you’re one of the best people I’ve ever had the pleasure of getting to know and I still think of you often. You’ve never been in the shadows to the people who truly see you. We all need your humor and your positive fun energy more than you will ever know. And to the people who choose not to see you, screw them!!! That’s their loss!!! They’re missing out on one of the most awesome beautiful people in the world!! Miss you, Christie!!!! And thank you for being vulnerable in sharing your pain. It’s the only real thing I’ve seen on social media today. Most people hide their pain behind fake smiles. I love and miss you so much!!!!! That how I was to a lot of different people Ihave pain no one knows how bad it gets this cheers me up I miss u I wish u where here to hug the pain a way for a long time I hate the fact that no one seems to care a bout who they hurt the most I had bad times like it use to be 

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Badly sick

Well I just haven’t told any one or close friends I have diverticulitis and it was badlyhurt I could not walk or drink or anything I had to be put in a plane to Tucson hospital I was there for 4 days even on my mom birthday and I felt like crap I felt like I was dieing while I was there I pray that godwould give me help and he did I owe everyone a thanks for everything u have done for me even though I was in bad pain I felt like some one came to save me