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Sunday, November 17, 2013


im sick and I am not happy I don't like this feeling sickness flue I have to stay home and sleep not yet thowe

Saturday, November 2, 2013

never trust a group of friend who lie

ok my college really sucks worst then any thing in life knowing who has lied a bout you talk crap eac u need help like a lot I worn you that karma is coming im tired of lies of friends who was supposed to be a true friends u lied to me and god I never thought eac would go so low of hurting people and u did u never cared of lessoning to me at all who do u think you are every one doesn't care if im the one to be there u all have a problem of not loving some one because u talk crap it ur fault u let me down and let me go now would u want my help no u wanted me to be a lone in the dark and it did not work

im not sorry for my close friends to help them out they need me more then EASTERN ARIZONA college friends im not a Lowe to say who  U HAD UR TRUE COLOERS OUT THANKS FOR HURTING A FRIEND OHHHH ONE THING IM NOT UR FRIEND u all are in my dog house for a long time u never seem to give a crap im not the one who going to deal with ur crap lies screw u and know I'm still here it your fault you let me go see what happens